
Tuesday Nov 28, 2017
Tuesday Nov 28, 2017
You can feel the wind is risin' baby, now the truth is here... Luke and Fletch celebrate 31 years of John Carpenter's classic action/Asian movie pastiche Big Trouble in Little China. We enjoy all the thrills, spills and razor sharp editing on the latest Evening Glass podcast.
Luke also returns from the cinema having watched one of the best films of the year, 'The Florida Project', directed by Sean Baker (the guy who made a whole movie on an iPhone. Drawing a stark contrast between capitalist commercialism and rock bottom poverty in the sunshine state.
We also cover Breathe, Andy Serkis's directoral debut, a touching portrail of family life against the background of a terminal condition.
Let us know what you think of the movies and the latest podcast on Facebook, Twitter and don't forget to leave us a review on iTunes.

Tuesday Oct 24, 2017
Sixteenth Issue: The Evening Glass - Blade Runner 2049 and It
Tuesday Oct 24, 2017
Tuesday Oct 24, 2017
Met with tremendous critical acclaim and a sluggish box office return, Blade Runner 2019 has been one of the marginally more hyped titles of the year. Luke loved it and Fletcher...wasn't quite as affected.
We grab a glass and chat about whether either of us has managed to see attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion recently.
We also discuss It and Goodbye Christopher Robin.
Many thanks to the following snippet of music we've given a nod to in this week's podcast.

Wednesday Sep 13, 2017
Fifteenth Issue: The Electronic Labyrinth - Lethal Weapon and The Monster Squad
Wednesday Sep 13, 2017
Wednesday Sep 13, 2017
We're back in Black - with a Shane Black marathon. We indulge in 80s nostalgia as Mel Gibson and Danny Glover remind us why all the best cops are buddies, and why all the best movies have indulgent establishing shots of a desert.
Luke and Fletch also do some digging to unearth the oft-forgotten gem The Monster Squad just in time for Halloween. A film for anyone who likes monsters, and 80s kids saving the world from a tree house.
Please do leave us reviews on iTunes and Stitcher, and shout at us on Facebook, Twitter or the website.
Many thanks to some of the following snatches of music we’ve given a nod to in this week’s podcast.
My Genre [Psycho Boogie] - Aspects
From Lethal Weapon:
Jingle Bell Rock - Bobby Helms
Meet Martin Riggs - Lethal Weapon Soundrack (David Sanborn and Eric Clapton)
From The Monster Squad:
Rock Until You Drop - Michael Sembello
Monster Squad Rap - The Monster Squad

Thursday Aug 24, 2017
Fourteenth Issue: The Evening Glass - Grosse Pointe Blank and Men in Black
Thursday Aug 24, 2017
Thursday Aug 24, 2017
We take a trip back to more idyllic pre-9/11 world to celebrate some anniversaries. It's 20 years since Grosse Pointe Blank - a film so dry, witty and affecting that it aged better than the preceding decade it pays tribute to. Luke and Fletch also look back at Men in Black and lament the loss of the great movie soundtrack single. 'From and inspired by the motion picture' indeed.
Many thanks to some of the following snatches of music we've given a nod to in this week's podcast.
From Grosse Pointe Blank:
Rudie Can't Fail - The Clash
War Cry - Joe Strummer
Go! - Tones on Tail
From Godzilla (1998):
Come with Me - Puff Daddy featuring Jimmy Page

Wednesday Aug 16, 2017
Thirteenth Issue: The Evening Glass - Dunkirk and The Big Sick
Wednesday Aug 16, 2017
Wednesday Aug 16, 2017
Never late to the party, Luke and Fletch catch up on Nolan's Dunkirk and attempt to asses what was happening where and when and how during the plot of the movie.
We also briefly catch up on Sofia Coppola's remake of the 1971 Southern drama The Beguiled and to hit two Colin Farrells with one stone, Luke also reminisces on 2016's The Lobster.
Finally, Kumail Nanjiani emerges from Silicon Valley to tackle Judd Apatow's stand up green room in The Big Sick.
Please do take a moment to review the podcast on iTunes and Stitcher, which is a huge help to the cause at O.S.S. Also, shout at/to us on the usual social channels to tell us about what you like and detest about the show - or the films and TV we catch up on.

Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
Twelfth Issue: The Electronic Labyrinth - Annie Hall and Bananas
Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
"Boy, if life were only like this!". Woody Allen takes one of his first cinematic stabs at idealising real life in one of the greatest romantic comedies to grace the silver screen. 1977's Annie Hall won Best Picture over Star Wars, and Luke and Fletch enjoy devouring as much of it as possible in 'The Electronic Labyrinth' podcast.
We also take a step back to Bananas from 1971, when you were more likely to see Allen get beaten up by prototype exercise equipment and chase a frozen meal around his apartment than lurch into a wistful monologue. But those were some fun times too - so we also enjoy a nod towards his earlier 'Marx Brothers' years. Best hurry up though. The revolution is in six months and we have a rented car.

Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Eleventh Issue: Electronic Labyrinth - Animal House and Anchorman
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
We continue through Luke's DVD collection with two films that helped redefine comedy movies. Anarchic and subversive, the John Landis classic Animal House packs a huge sucker punch to the institutions of pre-Vietnam America. Fletcher spills his guts about why the film means so much to him.
Anchorman started as a film about a bank heist, but through the cutting room floor and magic of re-shoots, it helped to set the tone for the string of improvised comedies throughout the 2000s (and present - for better or worse).
Please do take a moment to review us on iTunes here.

Monday Jul 24, 2017
Tenth Issue: The Evening Glass - Baby Driver and The Book of Henry
Monday Jul 24, 2017
Monday Jul 24, 2017
Edgar Wright's latest film sets a new bar for films with songs by The Damned in. Which is obviously saying something. Luke and Fletch use The Evening Glass podcast to have a substantial chat on how they feel about this testament to synchronised sound and picture.
Luke also ponders on whether Colin Trevorrow's The Book of Henry is as bad as aggrigated review scores would have you beleive.
There's also a dollop of Evil Dead and Vertigo thrown in for good measure.
Many thanks to the following music:

Wednesday Jul 05, 2017
Ninth Issue: Electronic Labyrinth - American Graffiti and Apocalypse Now
Wednesday Jul 05, 2017
Wednesday Jul 05, 2017
America comes of age across two seminal films from New Hollywood, made by two of the most uncompromising directors of any Hollywood. George Lucas and Francis Ford Coppola bring us American Graffiti and Apocalypse Now. Pictures that show us exactly how the 1960s went out - not with a bang, but with a whimper.
In this podcast, Luke and Fletcher begin discussing one of their favorite subjects; the not so humble beginnings of American Zoetrope/Lucasfilm in the early 1970s. Jump in your custom machine and take a trip back to The Hop. And then take a long trip up the river and remember - someday this war is gonna end.

Sunday Jun 18, 2017
Eighth Issue: The Evening Glass - Alien: Covenant and Twin Peaks
Sunday Jun 18, 2017
Sunday Jun 18, 2017
Luke and Fletch: The Return. Back from house moves and too much tequila, we launch 'The Evening Glass', a new show where we catch up on the latest things we've seen this week before handing over the more studious duties of in-depth movie analysis to sister show 'Electronic Labyrinth'.
This week, we take a look at Alien: Covenant, review listener feedback, and catch up on the new Twin Peaks revival.